Planning for the post-corona world?

Dave Jangid | Debitam By Dave Jangid |
Business plan for post Coronavirus | Debitam - Online Account Filing

A career story from “It's hectic that I couldn't even go on lunch” to “I hope this pigeon pops in my balcony again”.

We are told to work from home! And it's been pretty much 2 weeks since. Our professional lives have changed beyond imagination within these 2 weeks and for some mysterious reason, we've all discovered that we are driven by an unstoppable desire for jogging in parks or walking our exhausted dogs 5 times a day.

For many self-employed, this isn't earth-moving change. After all, the vast majority of these 5 million entrepreneurial spirits are famous for their WFH routine, except the lot who has got to go out and chase after work when it's “absolutely necessary” at all times.

According to Financial Times, we are being through the worst global challenge after WWII, whereas according to the government this is something we could turn its tide within 12 weeks (10 weeks left yay!). One thing is certain we`ve imminently switched to an age of confusing terms like, “social distancing”, “singing happy birthday while washing hands”, “self-isolation” and “step out when absolutely necessary.”

Let's face it, in an age where planning your next food shopping from Sainsbury's became more important than having that awkward convo about your last invoice, we are all dazed and confused. Imagine the value of toilet paper racing with the new iPhone X!

But there is a particular challenge that we all need to face: Staying at home and carrying out businesses as much the same level as we used to. Despite Rishni Sunak`s rosy speech regarding the business relief for both small businesses and self-employed, We are still in blues, contemplating drastic measures while trying to avoid as less damage as

For those who haven`t got the routine of WFH, it might initially be a little bit challenging.

  • Getting sloppy with wake-up time: Need to rush an online presentation by 9 am? No! It`s not a good idea to get out of bed at 8:55. Try to keep your office routine as much as you can.
  • Worrying over going mad at home: According to one psychologist, it is OK to talk to your indoor plants and refrigerator, it is more worrying when THEY start talking back to you. So, don`t worry, you are still sane. Take yourself small breaks from what you do and do some exercise, who knows you might as well end up being the fittest person in your social environment in times of post-corona.
  • Missed your accountant? They missed you too. If you have any urgent deadlines, there are a few reliable online services out there for your one-off filing… *whistling…
  • Stop worrying about being intrusive and stay in touch! In two weeks, we've been switched to a world where we see our colleagues and loved ones on small square screens on apps like Zoom and FaceTime. Remember, e-mails and slack messages are notorious for failing to protect people's true emotions/intentions, see a face, and express yourself to avoid devastating miscommunications.
  • There couldn`t be a greater time than this to catch up with professional blogs: Blogs, newsletters, webinars, and industry-related articles. On the bright side, you won`t fall behind anyone in your industry since everyone is struggling as much as you are. You might as well do more studying to prepare yourself for the post-corona period.
  • Consider the time is running differently. One thing you will definitely put your clients off is being tenacious with your e-mails. Yes, you have fewer things to do on your desk but avoiding persistent requests to contact your business liaisons will highly likely end in an unwanted way. Time management is crucial. You have to think of what`s going to happen when this turmoil finishes.
  • Keep an eye on your benefits in these stark times. Being on top of dazzling changes and schemes is both vital and a super-useful way of spending your time at home.

Ask help! We are in this together with a bit of distance. Trust your expertise and don`t let these sudden changes put your mood down over doing what you are best at. But most importantly, use digital services and tools more effectively! Keep up with good work in the world, surrounded by hand sanitizers, toilet rolls, pasta, and adult puzzles.

Dave Jangid | Debitam By Dave Jangid |
Note: Please note that the content of the above blog and the aforementioned information are solely for the purpose of awareness and are informative in nature. The content is designed with intent to ease the understanding while preserving the essence and importance of the compliance rules and shall not be considered as an ultimate replication of the rules. Debitam does not own any responsibility whatsoever for any unpleasant event that may arise due to the misinterpretation of a specific part or whole of the information.