Choosing the right name for your business

Mohit Baheti | Debitam By Mohit Baheti |
Choosing the right name for your business | Debitam - Online Account Filing

How to choose the best name for your business

You’ve decided that starting a limited company is the right path for you, now you need a name. Choosing the right name for your business can be a challenge, you want it to be unique and stand out from the crowd but it should also explain your business effectively. Not to fear, we have some quick and easy tips to help you choose the right name for your limited company:

4 Tips for choosing the right name for your business

  1. Something snappy and easy to spell:
    If you think about all the biggest business names, Facebook, Apple, and KFC, they are normally short, simple, and to the point! You want people to remember the name easily for word of mouth and recurring client purposes. Having a name like “The best-limited company you will ever come across in your life!” might be a bit long and not very memorable, so keep it short!
  2. Don’t limit your limited company:
    Just because it’s called a limited company doesn’t mean you have to limit where you can take it. You may find as your business grows it will evolve into offering different services or products you didn’t originally think of. If your company name limited you to only one product, for example, Blue Berry hats, then if you decide to make something other than hats it could be confusing to your clients. Choosing something a bit broader like Blue Berry direct allows you the option to expand into other avenues.
  3. Make sure your limited company name is unique:
    Once you’ve found a name for your limited company, you want to make sure it is original and not trademarked by another company. My suggestion would be to get on Google, Companies House, and the government website to conduct a detailed search and see if your business name is 1. available and 2. unique. formation/choose-company-name
  4. Secure your business name:
    Once you’ve found the perfect name, you want to make sure no one else can take it from you. You can secure a “.com” or “” domain in case you decide to launch a website. This is great to do whether you’re launching a website or not, as it will stop competitors from using your business name for their own website.

With all these tips in mind, the main thing to think about when choosing the right name for your limited company is to make sure you are genuinely happy with the name. It’s your business and you want it to feel right for you!

Mohit Baheti | Debitam By Mohit Baheti |
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