Self-Assessment Exclusions 2018-2019

Dave Jangid | Debitam By Dave Jangid |
Self-assessment exclusions list 2018-19 | Debitam - Online Account Filing

Struggling with online filing of your ? Clueless as to why is it so? Can’t figure out what is wrong? Go ahead this blog is specifically designed for you.

Despite being wonderfully integrated with cutting-edge technology, HMRC’s tax calculator sometimes fails to give you accurate outcomes for your tax liability. In such cases, HMRC ends up either not permitting the return to be filed or calculating the wrong tax liabilities. Just Like the majority of tax-payers, you might be unaware of the fact that HMRC has compiled a list of such cases where personal tax returns cannot be filed online. This list is called the exclusion list. It is updated every year, removing the exclusions that are fixed and adding exclusions that are identified.

The self-assessment exclusion list has two parts.

Category 1- System-related exclusions

There are 6 exclusions in this category. These are in place for several years and will require significant systems and CESA alterations now.

Category 2- “live” exclusions

There are currently 32 exclusions in this category. These are active in the relevant tax year and are reviewed every year by HMRC.

So, if your case falls in either of the categories, you will not be able to file an online tax return with HMRC, instead, you are expected to do a paper tax return only.

While all the information sinks in, we would like to give a support insight into the self-assessment special cases. The special Cases list is a list of issues that HMRC has identified as requiring a workaround in order to prevent any filing rejection. The issues specified in this list might have been taken into consideration by most of the developers, but if you still find yourself stuck in a position of being unable to do any filing for the tax return online due to the reasons mentioned in this list, don’t worry, you can still file the paper return.

You can click here to see the self-assessment exclusion list for the year 2018-19

Click here to look at the special cases list for the year 2018-19.

Important points to remember while filing a paper tax return in a situation where your case falls in any of the aforementioned lists:

  1. Although HMRC allows you to file a paper tax return, they still need to be filed on or before 31st  January following the end of the tax year to which it relates.
  2. A reasonable excuse claim needs to be accompanied by the paper return so sent; only then HMRC will accept that you had a reasonable excuse for failing to file a paper return by the 31st October deadline (i.e. regular deadline for filing paper tax return). Click here to find out what HMRC means for "reasonable" excuses for the self-assessment filing return online form.
  3. While preparing the paper return you should stick with the norms laid down for the paper returns. For instance, it is important to keep in mind that even if the return is computer-generated, it should be validly signed.
Dave Jangid | Debitam By Dave Jangid |
Note: Please note that the content of the above blog and the aforementioned information are solely for the purpose of awareness and are informative in nature. The content is designed with intent to ease the understanding while preserving the essence and importance of the compliance rules and shall not be considered as an ultimate replication of the rules. Debitam does not own any responsibility whatsoever for any unpleasant event that may arise due to the misinterpretation of a specific part or whole of the information.