What is a 64-8 Form?

Mohit Baheti | Debitam By Mohit Baheti |
HMRC form 64-8 | Debitam - Online Account Filing

The 64-8 Form (officially known as an Agent Authorisation) is a form used by HMRC to allow someone to act on your behalf and deal with your taxes. This could be an accountant, solicitor or other professional advisor that you have appointed to handle your financial matters.

How do I complete a 64-8 Form?

Completing the form is relatively straightforward. You must provide your name, address and National Insurance number as well as your tax reference number and the full name of your appointed representative. If you are completing the form for someone else, you must also provide their details in addition to yours.

You must also select which areas of your tax affairs are to be handled by your appointed representative and specify if they have the authority to settle disputes and accept payments on your behalf. Once you’ve completed all sections of the form, sign it in the presence of a witness who will also need to provide their name, address, and signature. Finally, send the completed form to HMRC either by post or online.

How long does it take HMRC to process a 64-8 Form?

It usually takes up to 24 hours for an individual (etc. self-employed) or 73 hours for a limited company for HMRC to process and approve your 64-8 Form once you’ve sent it off. However, if HMRC has any further questions or needs more information from you, processing time may be extended.

Can I do the 64-8 Form online?

Yes, you can submit the form online at gov.uk/hmrc-forms/form64-8. You can also download and print a copy of the form if you would prefer to fill it in manually.

What is a 64-8 form for a deceased person?

If you are acting on behalf of a deceased person, you must use a 64-8 form to inform HMRC that they have passed away. On the form, you’ll need to provide details of the deceased’s name and address, National Insurance number as well as your own contact information. You should also make sure to include the date of death as well as a copy of the death certificate. It is important to note that if you are completing the form for someone else, you will need to provide their details in addition to yours. Make sure you add your signature next to your name.

Will HMRC accept old 64-8?

No, HMRC will only accept the most up-to-date version of the 64-8 form. This is to comply with GDPR rules. You can always check for the latest version on gov.uk/hmrc-forms/form64-8. It is useful to bear in mind that HMRC goes back 4 years into your financial history in its investigations.

What is a 64-8 for Disclosure?

The 64-8 for disclosure is a specific type of form used to give HMRC access to information about your financial affairs. This type of form is mainly used when someone is acting as an agent on behalf of the taxpayer and needs to disclose information to HMRC such as income or capital gains.

In conclusion, the 64-8 Form is essential for anyone needing to appoint an agent to act on their behalf and deal with their taxes. It’s important to make sure that you provide all the relevant information in order for HMRC to process your form quickly and efficiently. If you are unsure, you can always check gov.uk/hmrc-forms/form

Mohit Baheti | Debitam By Mohit Baheti |
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